Who we are

KDRU is a student-led community radio station based out of Drury University in Springfield, MO.  Available online and locally on 98.1 FM, KDRU strives to fill the airwaves with some of the freshest music, programs, and ideas around town.

In fact, KDRU exists because we feel that Springfield lacks a certain flavor in it’s air(waves).  We’ve always been surprised that there weren’t more local stations in town that provoked thought, discussion, and created a  sense of community.  So, we gathered our equipment, swept up the studio, and made the jump to FM in mid 2016.

This site aims to do a few things for you:

  • Give a simple and clean way to listen to the stream online
  • Provide a program schedule for your listening pleasure
  • Present a local event calendar containing concerts, community service opportunities, and philanthropic events
  • Learn more about the organization, and the DJ’s that run it
  • Enable others to get involved

Plug into our social media pages on the right for even more up-to-date info on what’s happening at the station.

Questions, comments, or concerns?  Contact us below:

How to get involved

To be an On-air DJ:

First and most important, you must be a student at Drury University in order to be an On-air DJ.  Past that, the interested Drury student must enroll in COMM 141: Radio Activities.  There you will be taught the basics of production, PSA writing, and on-air techniques and rules.  Contact Jonathan Groves for more information.

To partner with the station:

As a low power station, it is illegal for us to advertise for any business or product.  What we can do is underwriting as defined here – Sponsorship underwriting refers to financial sponsorship of a venture. It is funding donated for the support of a project, program, event, initiative, activity, or even a salary.”

If you or your business is interested in underwriting with us, please send an email to info@kdruradio.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

To work behind the scenes:

There are a lot of roles to go around for Drury students in areas including production, marketing, and community outreach.  Any student interested in joining our team and lending a hand should either contact Jonathan Groves or send an email to info@kdruradio.com.